Dr. Edward Macierowski

Position: Professor
Department: Philosophy
Office: Ferrell Academic Center 322
Phone: 913.360.7497
Dr. Macierowski came to Benedictine College in 1993. A graduate of St. John’s College (Annapolis), he earned graduate degrees in Toronto and studied at the then-Imperial Iranian Academy of Philosophy in Tehran. He has also taught at the Center for Thomistic Studies in Houston, at the Catholic University of America, and Christendom College. In addition to his teaching duties, he is particularly interested in metaphysics and political philosophy, in translating philosophical and theological books, and fostering intercultural and inter-religious dialogue. He is particularly interested in Greek and Semitic sources to Christian scholastic philosophy in the Latin Middle Ages. He was born in Springfield, Massachusetts where he was graduated from its Classical High School. He is married and has five adoptive children.
GK 103-104 Beginning Greek I & II
PH 175 Logic & Nature
PH 355 Political Philosophy
PH 373 Metaphysics
PH 471 Ancient Philosophy
PH 472 Medieval Philosophy
PH 475 Islamic Philosophy
Centre for Medieval Studies
University of Toronto
Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, Philosophy Section
University of Toronto
Master of Arts
Centre for Medieval Studies
University of Toronto
Bachelor of Arts
St. John’s College
Research Interests
Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, Metaphysics, Mnemonics
Recent Publications
Books, Catalogues
Henri de Lubac, Medieval Exegesis, Volume 3: The Four Sense of Scripture. (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans; Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 2009). Pp. xvii+777. ISBN-13: 9780802841469. Reviewed: John F. A. Sawyer, Review of Biblical Literature 05/2010. Featured in English Edition of L’Osservatore Romano “English translation of major work by Henri de Lubac” on 7 October 2009, page 2. Feature article by Trish Clinesmith, “Macierowski completes 10-year project,” The Circuit, 11 February 2010, including photo with Cardinal Schönborn. Reviewed by Christoph Markschies, Theologische Literaturzeitung, 135 (2010) 7/8; C. T. B., in Old Testament Abstracts, Vol. 33, 2010, n. 644; Bible Today, May 2010; John F. A. Sawyer, Review of Biblical Literature, May 2010; New Testament Abstracts, Vol. 54, No. 1, 2010; Lawrence S. Cunningham,Commonweal, 11/19/2010; Celestino Corsato, Studia Patavina, 57 (2010 2; Christoph Stenschke in Old Testament Essays, 23/3 (2010); Hugh Feiss, OSB, The American Benedictine Review, 62:2 (June 2011), 232-233; Aaron Canty, “Balancing Letter & Spirit” in The Living Church, 2?27/11; Gemma Simmonds, review in Theology, January/February 2011; Elias Dietz, OCSO, in Cistercian Studies Quarterly, 45.4 (2010).
Translation of St. Thomas Aquinas’s Commentary Aristotle’s De memoria et reminiscentia, with introduction and notes. (Bound with the Commentary of the De Sensu et Sensato, translated by Kevin White and published under the title Commentaries on Aristotle’s “On Sense and What is Sensed” and “On Memory and Recollection” –The Catholic University of America Press, January 2005. ISBN 0-8132-1382-7 (cloth); 0-8132-1379-7 (paper). Reviewed: Arthur Madigan, The Review of Metaphysics. Thomas Cooksey, The Classical Outlook, 81, n. 1 (Fall 2006) 34.
Translation of Bernard Montagnes, The Doctrine of the Analogy of Being according to Thomas Aquinas. (Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2004). Pp. 208. (ISBN 0-87462-624-2).
Reviewed: Patrick Madigan, The Heythrop Journal 47:3, pp. 473-475; Jules Janssens, Tijdschrift voor Filosofie (2006), nr. 2. Joshua P. Hochschild, The Thomist 72, 2 (April, 2008), 336-339.
Henri de Lubac, Medieval Exegesis, Volume 2: The Four Sense of Scripture. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans; Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 2000. (ISBN 0-8028-4146-5, a 439-page translation of L’Exégèse médiévale, Partie 1, tome 2.) Reviewed: E. Ann Matter, Theological Studies, 63, 1 (2002) 167ff. Raymond Moloney, Irish Theological Quarterly, 67, 1 (2002) 77-78. David Lyle Jeffrey, “Houses of the Interpreter: Spiritual Exegesis and the Retrieval of Authority,” Books and Culture: A Christian Review at http://www.christianitytoday.com/bc/2002/mayjun/15.30.html
Thomas Aquinas’s Earliest Treatment of the Divine Essence: Scriptum super libros Sententiarum, Book I, Distinction 8, Translated into English with Facing Latin text, Introduction, Glossary, and Select Bibliography, with a Foreword by Joseph Owens. Episteme Series (Classical Texts with English Translation). Binghamton, NY: Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies & Institute of Global Cultural Studies at Binghamton University, 1998. (ISBN 1-883-058-22-8. Pp. 230.) Reviewed: Charles Bolyard, Philosophy in Review/Comptes Rendus Philosophiques, v. 20, n. 2 (April 2000), n. 84; Julio Castello Dubra, Patristica et Mediaevalia, 20 (1999) 83-84; Martin Henn, The Modern Schoolman.
On Cutting off A Ratio, Apollonius of Perga. Critical Translation of the treatise from the two extant MSS of the Arabic version of the lost Greek original. Fairfield, CT: The Golden Hind Press, 1987. 162 pp. Revised 1988.
Articles and Papers
Comment on Traci Phillipson’s contributed paper “The Will in Averroes and Aquinas,” at the ACPA meeting of 2 Nov 2013 (Session X) Indianapolis, Indiana.
“Go, Teaching All Nations: Some Reflections on the Role of St. Thomas Aquinas in the New Evangelization” paper for conference on the theme “Thomas Aquinas Teacher of Humanity,” sponsored by the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas, first North American meeting, Center for Thomistic Studies, Houston, 17-19 October 2013. (submission accepted)
“A Comparison of the Cosmologies of Aquinas, Ibn Sina and the Shi`ite Doctrine of Creation and Emanation,” International Journal of Shica Studies (forthcoming).
“Geopolitics and the Persian Gulf: Some Philosophical Reflections” in Festschrift for Henryk Kiereś, Catholic University of Lublin (forthcoming).
“Joseph Owens, C.Ss.R. (1908-2005).” Mediaeval Studies, 68 (2006): VII-XI; Bibliography: XII-XXV (co-compiler).
“Aquinas’ Pursuit of Wisdom and his Method in the Summa contra Gentiles” in Jeremiah M. Hackett, William E. Murnion, Carl N. Still (edd.), Being and Thought in Aquinas, Binghamton, NY: “Global Academic Publications, 2004, pp. 127-154.
“Peace and War in St. Thomas Aquinas,” in Mehdi Faridzadeh, Philosophies of Peace and Just War in Greek Philosophy and Religions of Abraham: Judaism, Christianity and Islam (New York: International Society for Iranian Culture & Global Scholarly Publications, 2004), pp. 139-160. (ISBN 1592670326)
With R. F. Hassing, “Latin Averroes on the Motion of the Elements,” Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, Band 74, Heft 2 (1992), pp. 127-157.
“A Sacramental Universe: Recovering an Ancient Wisdom,” Caelum et Terra (Summer 1992), pp. 28-32.
“Medieval Philosophy Studies,” New Catholic Encyclopedia article for Supplement (vol. 18). 1988.
With R.F. Hassing, “John Philoponus on Aristotle’s Definition of Nature: A Translation from the Greek with Notes,” Ancient Philosophy, VIII, Spring 1988, pp. 73 – 100.
“Does God Have a Quiddity according to Avicenna?” The Thomist, Vol. 52, No. 1 (January 1988), pp. 79-87.
“British Naval Geography in World War I: Holdings in the Library of Congress,” Special Libraries Association, Geography and Map Division Bulletin, No. 147 (March 1987), pp. 9-17.
“British Naval Geography in World War II: Holdings in the Library of Congress,” Special Libraries Association, Geography and Map Division Bulletin, No. 140 (June 1985), pp. 15-21.
“Truth and Rights,” The College (Annapolis, Maryland) January 1977, pp. 21-25.
“Archimedes: Squaring a Parabola,” translations from the Greek texts of Eutocius’s Commentaries on the Conics of Apollonius and Archimedes’s Ephodos and Quadrature of the Parabola, in The Collegian. Annapolis, MD: St. John’s College, 26 May 1969. (21 pp.)
Reviews, Short Notes and Published Letters
Article: “The Liberal Arts Pillar: Measuring its Strength” http://benedictinecircuit.com/the-liberal-arts-pillar-measuring-its-strength/ Web reprint 26 November 2013 of the article published in The Circuit, Benedictine College, Atchison, Kansas, vol. 92, no. 5, (23 November 2013) p. 6.
Article on Latin, Greek, and Semitic components of the Benedictine College Mission Statement: http://bccircuit.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1133:t…
Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, trans. by & with interpretive essay by Robert C. Bartlett and Susan D. Collins. Chicago, 2011. 339 pp. indexes ISBN 9780226026749. Choice 2011.
“Academic Prose? Mostly Latin, With Greek and Hebrew,” Letter to The Chronicle of Higher Education, 16 July 2010, p. A 26.
Review of Andrew G. Bostom, MD (Compiler), The Legacy of Jihad: Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-Muslims Amherst, NY: Prometheus Press, 2005. Unpublished reflection.
Review of Markus Schmitz, Euklids Geometrie und ihre mathematiktheoretische Grundlegung in der neuplatonischen Philosophie des Proklos (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 1997) for International Studies in Philosophy, Vol. XXXVI/I (2004) 284-286 (ISBN 0270-5664).
Review of Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Islamic Cosmological Doctrines (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1993). International Philosophical Quarterly Vol. 36, no. 1 (1996), pp. 123-125.
Review of Oliver Leaman, Averroes and His Philosophy. New York: Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1988. Speculum, Vol. 65, No. 4 (October 1990), pp. 1008-1010.
Review of John Marenbon, Later Medieval Philosophy (1150-1350): An Introduction. London and New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1987. In The Thomist Vol. 54, No. 1 (Jan. 1990) 187-189.
Review of Helmut Boese’s critical edition of Guillelmus de Morbecca’s Latin translation of Proclus: Elementatio theologica, Leuven 1987, for Speculum Vol. 64, No. 4 (October 1989), pp. 962-964.
Review of Charles Genequand’s English translation from the Arabic of Ibn Rushd’s Metaphysics. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1986, for Ancient Philosophy Vol. 9 (Spring 1989) 144-147.
Brief notice of Charles Butterworth’s translation of Averroes’ Middle Commentary on Aristotle’s “Poetics.” Princeton, 1986, for Speculum Vol. 63, No. 2 (April 1988), pp. 359-360.
Brief notice of Charles Butterworth’s translation of Averroes’ Middle Commentaries on Aristotle’s “Categories” and “De Interpretatione.” Princeton, 1983, for Speculum Vol. 62, no. 2 (April 1987), p. 495.
Review of Barry S. Kogan, Averroes and the Metaphysics of Causation, for Canadian Philosophical Reviews /Revue Canadienne de Comptes rendus en Philosophie, Vol. VII, No. 8 (August 1987), pp. 313-315.
Review of Alejandro Llano, Metafisica y Lenguaje, Pamplona 1984. In Review of Metaphysics, (September 1987), pp. 154-155.
Letter commenting on the Holmes Consortium’s “University Education Deans Seek Elite Corps of School Teachers.” The Chronicle of Higher Education, vol. 30, no. 22 (31 July 1985), pp. 30-31.
Letter commenting on the Association of American Colleges report, “Integrity in the College Curriculum.” The Chronicle of Higher Education, vol 30, no. 4 (27 March 1985), pp. 36-37.
“Protecting America’s Military Technology,” U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings, March 1984 Vol. 110/3/973.
Review of Huston Smith, Forgotten Truth: The Primordial Tradition, New York, 1977. In Sophia Perennis, (1977, Vol. 3), pp. 147-153.
Academic Honors & Awards
2013 ElectedFellow of the Adler-Aquinas Institute
2013 Sabbatical, Fall Term September-December: To translate Henri de Lubac’s Medieval Exegesis from French and Latin (volume 4). Another two full-time years of work will be required to complete this project. Volume 4 is about the same size as volume 3, which took a decade to complete and will be the size of two bricks.
2012-13 Director, St. Justin Martyr Institute sponsoring major lecturer: Eva Brann “Will, Willing, Willfulness, Willpower: Reflections on St. Thomas” (22 March 2013, co-sponsored by the honors program)
2008 Nominated Participant, 3rd Annual Fides et Ratio Seminar, 13-19 May, Providence College, Providence, Rhode Island.
2007 Invited Participant, 54th Annual National Security Forum, 14-18 May. Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama.
2006 Sabbatical, Spring Term January-May: To translate Henri de Lubac’s Medieval Exegesis from French and Latin (volume 3).
2004 Participant in a seminar, Teaching About Islam and Middle Eastern Culture, at the American Center of Oriental Research in Amman, Jordan, sponsored by the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) and the Council of Overseas Research Centers.
2003 Listing in 57th edition of Marquis’s Who’s Who in America.
2002-03 Speaker, Kansas Humanities Council (August 2002-03): The Expansion of Islam (Johnson County Community College, 25 Feb 03)
1997-98 Speaker, Kansas Humanities Council (August 1997-1998): Great Meditations upon the Citizen and the City
1996 President, Kansas City Area Philosophical Society (March 1997-98)
1995 NEH Study Grant: The Divine Simplicity in the Metaphysical Doctrine of Aquinas, Maimonides, and Avicenna (FJ-22059-95)
1994 Second Summer Thomistic Institute (University of Notre Dame)
1993 NEH Summer Seminar “Islam & the Scientific Tradition” (Columbia University)
1987 Guest Curator, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC
1986-87 Scholar in Residence, The Catholic University of America
1986-87 NEH Translation Grant: Apollonius of Perga’s De sectione rationis
1982 Constantin Foundation Grant
1976-77 Imperial Iranian Academy of Philosophy, Tehran
1976 NEH Seminar in Arabic Paleography (University of Pennsylvania)
1975-76 Canada Council Doctoral Fellowship
1974 Research Assistant: Professor M.E. Marmura, acknowledged in his 2005 translation of Avicenna’s Metaphysics
1970-73 Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies Fellowships
1970-71 Woodrow Wilson Fellowship
Internal Reference for Promotion to Full Professor, Fall 2013, Benedictine College.
Reviewer for annual journal in the philosophy of culture Człowiek w Kulturze (“Man in Culture”). Beside Polish texts, once a year we want to publish an article or two in English. (Editor-in-Chief Piotr Jaroszyński).
Global Scholarly Publications Senior Editor of Indo-European and Arabic, International Journal of Shi`a Studies – beginning summer 2013.
External Reader, of Joseph P. Hattrup’s doctoral dissertation Form and Predicability in Aristotle’s Categories and the Middle Books of the Metaphysics, Center for Thomistic Studies, University of St. Thomas, Houston, TX, 19 April 2013.
Foreign Language Technical Editor of The International Journal of Decision Ethics, sponsored by Oxford University, beginning with volume VIII, 3 (summer 2012- ).